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Showing posts from July, 2019

There Are Rules When It Comes to Effectively Communicating With Your Teen

How to Communicate Clearly and Effectively with Your Teenager  Written by: Erica Battle When we as parents think about the joys of parenthood, communication with our teen probably ranks at the bottom.  Communicating with this young person who is trying to find their voice and exercise some independence can be as daunting of a task as watching paint dry.   You can either have a teen that won’t open up and talk at all, the teen who tunes you out completely, or the teen who lashes out because they are angry and don’t agree with something you said which leaves us searching on what to do next. As a mom who has raised two sons through the teenage years and with one currently in the teen years (16 to be exact), I can tell you it does get better you just have to be patient. Below are five tips that can help you improve how you and your teen communicate. Start Early Good communication does not start in the teen years, but it begins as soon as you...